1-4. [Vocabulary quiz by my favorite order]
1. independent 独立した
2. integrity 誠実、正直、高潔、品位
3. creative 創造的
4. unique 唯一、独特
5. individual 個人、個々
6. compromise 妥協、和解
7. freedom 自由(特に、束縛からの自由)
8. group グループ、集団
9. beauty 美、美しいこと
10. power 力、権力
8. Go to your blog and read any comments you may have. If you have comments, answer them.
No comment so far.
9. On your blog write your answer to this question: "Our World News Blogs are all completely public. What do you think about this? Do you prefer some privacy, or is it ok to be completely public?"
I think our blogs' being public has both positive and negative points.
Positive points are:
1. We can communicate not only with the class members but also with people in the world! There are millions of people who speak and write English!
2. We maybe try to write meaningful things if we know anybody in the world might look at it.
3. The number of people you know off the net is limited, at school, in your neighborhood, or your relatives. You can know new people, possibly who live in a country which is far away from your country through the Internet.
Negative points are:
1. You might find stranger's harmful comments on your blog. So you have to maintain your blog in good condition.
2. You have to decide to what extent you can reveal your privacy. Anybody can get your information by reading your blog.
So as for our World News class blogs, I'm in favor of being public because I think it's good for us to be able to communicate with people in the world!
10. Practice English vocabulary online for 15 minutes
I went to this website: http://a4esl.org/a/v5.html
I tried "Top 20 World Languages" and got 15/20.
11. What news would make you happy to read today? Write 3 imaginary headlines.
"Free ride on any transportation system this weekend!"
"Free admission fee for USJ until Christmas!"
"Perfect telepathy system invented!"
12. Find a news article about your theme and write about it on your blog:
a. news article title,
"Navigation Help for Surfacing Subway Riders"
b. URL,
c. summary of content: who is it about? What is is about? Where is it about? When is it about?
This article is about the experiment by New York City and the private business improvement district around Grand Central Terminal, which offer a new way to help people go where they want to go when they emerge from the subway station to the streets. They have installed compass-shaped decals on sidewalks, which carry two kinds of information: directions for north, east, south and west, and the names of the nearest streets.
d. your comments: why did you find it interesting? Is there any useful information? What?
I am the one who have been completely lost when emerging from subway stations lots of times! Even in my familiar city, Osaka, I got lost many times at the top of the steps of the subway stations. I'm sure many of you have been in a similar situation! I've experienced it not only in Japan but also in other foreign big cities like New York, Hong Kong, or London! I think this idea is good for Osaka and Tokyo, too! I hope Japanese subway transportation companies' authorities look at it and consider installing these decals in my country's subway stations!
2 件のコメント:
Hi. Actually, I find that many subway stations in Japan have such decals at their exits on the street level, and I am very grateful for this. I think it is a great idea.
Hi, Mr. Sheffner!
Thank you for your comment!
I've never noticed that Japanese subway stations have decals at the exits on the street level!! I have to find them by myself. Thank you for telling me about that, Mr. Sheffner. I've been really grateful that I can learn with you and your great students.